These heavy-duty shell and auger tools are designed for use in the toughest of shell and auger boring conditions. They are fabricated from high tensile steel tube and the tool shoes are heat-treated to give a hard resistant cutting edge.
The thread form on the tool shoe has been optimized to enable easy replacement of shoes. Since it is of a coarser pitch than many of our competitors’ products it is less likely to bind up with use.
The claycutter comes complete with a plain shoe and claycutter ring. The shell (or baler) comes complete with plain shoe and steel clack valve. We also manufacture a leather clack for our shell, which is more efficient in sealing water inside the shell when bailing out a borehole.
For tough drilling conditions, serrated shoes can be supplied on request.
These tools are available in nominal sizes 4″-24″, designed to fit inside shell and auger casing to British Standard 879.
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Overall length of each tool is approximately 6 ft. Shorter tools can be supplied to order for low-headroom drilling.